Day 5 of playing, getting through early content— any team advice?
Hi everyone! I am back again with some more questions. I am on day 5 of playing, and i am working through the dokkan story content, and i have been evading most of the event content except for daily/weeklies and some awakening for my top units.
Here are my UR units that can move to LR status. Are there any particular units that i should be prioritizing that im not? Any team comp recommendations as i get to higher tier content?
Also, is there a recommended order for pursuing more difficult content?
Thanks for any and all advice!!
Hi everyone! I am back again with some more questions. I am on day 5 of playing, and i am working through the dokkan story content, and i have been evading most of the event content except for daily/weeklies and some awakening for my top units.
Here are my UR units that can move to LR status. Are there any particular units that i should be prioritizing that im not? Any team comp recommendations as i get to higher tier content?
Also, is there a recommended order for pursuing more difficult content?
Thanks for any and all advice!!