DAE else pointless interactions?
Earlier today, I walked into my brother's room, sat on the bed, and it fucking collapsed LMFAO. Me and my brothers were like "Oh shit" then started laughing. My mom comes to the stairs and asks "(my name) what was that?". I responded "nothing" because what is she going to do? She asked me 3 more times before I told her "It's a waste of time explaining, don't worry about it.". Then she got really mad because she said I say that to her all the time.
And to be honest, it is a waste of time. I can literally fix the bed in 20 secs tops, yet she wants to call my name continuously and just wasting my time. I have a black mom, so you know how it is ("I ain't gon be screaming through this house") type mom.
As for school to me is a waste of time, why sit in class for 45 minutes when I do the work right in 10-15 minutes. Like the instructions are on the top of the page, why would you go over the same damn instructions?
A pointless conversation to me is a waste of time, why would I sit there and waste my breath and thought process on a conversation that I'm inactively listening to, you are sitting there talking to a brick wall unless you have something important to say to me. Which 75 percent of the time is not
I also hate when people call me to do something that I don't want to do. Like if YOU can't do anything independent, then what's the point of wasting my time helping you. When I can do it by myself, and no that's not a request to ask me. It means do it your damn self. I ain't finna be running around this house doing chores, when I didn't even make the mess.
I probably sound like an asshole but idgaf. People need to stop wasting my time with stupid antics