DAE avoid looking attractive to avoid attention?
I’m a woman in my mid 20s. I’m not model levels of attractive, but I have charisma and warmth that, when paired with me putting effort in my looks, gets me a lot of unwanted attention. Not only from men, from people of all ages. I can see people being nicer to me when I put a bit more effort, I notice body language and how their eyes view me. Sometimes it’s a predatory gaze, sometimes it’s just magnetism.
The problem is, I hate it most of the time. I’m a fairly social person, and I can work a room and make friends very easily. I love doing this when I look less polished, but as soon as I put a little more effort into my appearance (styling my hair, wearing contacts), the attention is doubled and it makes me nervous and uncomfortable. I get quieter than I would otherwise.
I’m really not trying to sound like I’m bragging, this is something I’ve noticed for years, especially as I grew into my looks after high school. I was always personable, but now whenever I appear more attractive I feel there are more expectations on me.
It’s gotten to the point that I prefer to dress bummy-er and not style my hair or wear contacts very often just to avoid the extra attention. I wish it weren’t this way though. I enjoy looking good for myself, I just wish others wouldn’t (though positively) perceive me to that extent.
I hope I don’t, but sorry if I sound like a pompous asshole - I’ve never explained this discomfort to others.