This DM Is Awesome But Seriously Why Though

Proud Bard of almost 10 years

Decide to meet up with the usual gang for some classic D&D shenanigans

DM is fairly new to the entire concept of DMing but she is a fast learner

The gang romps about in the forest whilst killing a suspicious amount of kobolds

The forests were knee-deep in kobolds, it was disgusting

Friend asks her "Why so many kobolds?"

She says "You'll see."

Cheeky wench

Other friend stuffs a slayed kobold in his bag for hat-making purpose

No judgement here, I am but a humble bard

After all those kobolds, in comes a pack of Death Kisses

Death Kisses are basically tiny Beholders except no eyes on the tentacles, only half the gang knew this, myself not included

A big Beholder is found soon after

DM makes sure to tell everyone it seems "stressed, with it's swiftly wriggling eyestalks and constantly moving central eye."

The fight was nice, DM was really good at handling a Beholder, which is rare to find in my experience

DM asks us if we want to explore the area a bit, fine

Long story short, Beholder eggs

The beholder we fought didn't lay them, but was still protecting a slew of Beholder eggs

There's ten of the suckers, leaving seven available for sale

DM congratulates us on our new Beholder Babies


I have questions, but then again, baby Beholders.

Nobody objects.

Our next session will be eventful probably