Is Kenku too op?

I’m a new DM and honestly, I never tried to play dnd before. I want to accommodate all my players, and let them role play whatever they want, so I told them just to pick a race they’d have fun with.

One of my players chose the Kenku race. I had no idea what it was but from what I could tell they have a lot of good stats. I don’t want to limit their choices, but I’m so new to this whole game that I barely know how to use a stat block. I have told my player not to min-max, because I don’t have enough experience to give them balanced encounters to challenge them if they cheese too hard.

That being said, is the race to OP? Is there a way to nerf it a little, or am I just making a big deal out of a bunch numbers that I don’t understand?

TL;DR: one of my players want to play a Kenku race, I don’t have enough experience to tell if that’s too op or how to balance it.