Line etiquette - do you consider it okay for people to “catch up” with friends/family in line?

There are various scenarios where this could happen.

1) A group gets split at the entrance do to the crowds but nice things settle down the stragglers might power up a few spots to catch up.

2) you are in a long line and someone says they need to go to the bathroom, so they go and come back.

3) you are about to enter a line, and a couple of people say they will go grab churros or turkey legs since you skipped lunch and the ROTR line in 100 minutes. They never initially get in line, but scramble through to the group eventually.

4) scouts are sent to hold places in line while people are in other lines.

To me, all but #4 are acceptable. Granted , you don’t know the reason people are “excuse me”ing their way past you, but I usually give them the benefit of the doubt.

I was in line recently and a group of 4 teens were catching up with their family. This guy blocked their way and was intimidating and interrogating them. They said they were just at the bathroom. People around them were becoming increasingly nosy and A women nearby to this guy said would you please let them through.