200+ Reál by the end of day 1

I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere so far, so thought I'd share a little trick I discovered to get more money than you could ever realistically hope of spending.

The trick is quite simple. If by the end of the day you do not have enough money to cover the cost of a room for the night, Kim will offer to help you out. You go to his car together and retrieve the hubcaps he confiscated, which you then trade at the pawnshop for 200 Real. From this, Kim gives you enough to pay the room, then pockets the rest for himself.

However, there is a way to have all this cash for yourself. Firstly, make sure you have almost enough money to cover the cost of your room yourself- say 20 cents short of the full amount- but also a few empty bottles to deposit in the tare machine. When you try to pay but don't have enough cash, Kim will offer to help you out. You go to the car, get the hubcaps, but instead of going to the pawn shop, you go to the tare machine instead, deposit the bottles, then use your own money to pay for the room.

Finally, send Kim to bed, and when he's sleeping go to the pawn shop alone. Pawn the hubcaps and profit handsomely.