warning to all players

WARNING TO ALL DESTINY PLAYERS IN HEREi don't normally make post like these but this really needs to be said and I'm furious tbh , if anyone by the name of Flamesen - bungie name is (Osama (Timelost)#123 ) something and GustyGecko bungie name is ( femboy (Adept)#5097) i think is the other one ask to join your clan don't

they were just removed from my friends clan by me for laughing and joking about raping little kids and disabled kids while i was in the party

i can have a laugh about things but this takes it really to far they have both been reported by me , but just a heads up if you come across these guys

Femboy (Adept) > Bungie Profile | Bungie.net this is gusty

Osama (Timelost) > Bungie Profile | Bungie.net this is Flamesen