How can I enhance my fragrance?
I’m embarrassed to say I know next to nothing about fragrances, scents, etc. I know so many people with natural scents that smell so good all the time, even if they don’t put anything on.
I’m a big fan of citrus/vanilla tones and currently have the Sauvage Dior Eau de Parfum for cologne as well as Native vanilla and coconut conditioner, shampoo and body wash. I also got the Hawas for men to experiment with more fruity-citrusy tones. But I feel lost.
I know that Sauvage Dior has a very earthy and spicy theme so I also thought about using more citrusy-herbal body washes/conditioner. But I’m not sure what exactly to do right now.
Any suggestions? Edit: I’m 19 M and in college just trying to work on myself