White "cotton" fiber coming out of skin

Pic below.

Hello! My partner and I began to notice that she had what seemed like a white cotton-like fiber coming out of her skin in between her hairline and her eyebrow. When she plucked it, it sort of broke apart into smaller pieces. Since then, we noticed it again today and she plucked it out with tweezers. It doesn't hurt or itch.We didn't take a photo because at the time didn't really think anything of it, but after googling what it was we can't seem to find an answer besides Morgellons, which seems to be a psychiatric disorder. Want to make it very clear that she doesn't believe in or experience anything associated with Morgellons.

Attached is a photo from when she first noticed this.

Thanks so much for reading! We appreciate any insight. She'd consider going to a dermatologist right now but it's not urgent and doesn't seem worth it during COVID.
