I hope this is just acne
Does anyone here by any chance experienced this? This started a week ago. It started as a small nodule which I really thought was a pimple but it didn’t have a white head. I tried popping it a few times (I know that’s wrong huhu) but nothing happened, just bled a little. It’s been itchy at certain times of the day. My hair keeps getting to it and I have just made it worse whenever I try to mess it and that’s why it’s become this big.
Planning to have it checked tomorrow. I’ve been putting acne treatment cream for 3 days now and last night tried to do hot compress then cold compress also.
Does anyone here by any chance experienced this? This started a week ago. It started as a small nodule which I really thought was a pimple but it didn’t have a white head. I tried popping it a few times (I know that’s wrong huhu) but nothing happened, just bled a little. It’s been itchy at certain times of the day. My hair keeps getting to it and I have just made it worse whenever I try to mess it and that’s why it’s become this big.
Planning to have it checked tomorrow. I’ve been putting acne treatment cream for 3 days now and last night tried to do hot compress then cold compress also.