A greenbeard once again

I played drg on PlayStation until a couple months ago since I got in on PlayStation plus when it dropped along with season one an sunk probably 300-400 hours into it but since my ps+ expired around October I haven’t played it and since I don’t want to pay 70 bucks a year basically only to play drg I bought in on sale on steam and since it’s such a simple game it even runs on my laptop

So since I’m back being a little greenbeard again I’m obligated to ask on Reddit for Tipps on how to play the game XD

No but in all honesty I love this game and I’m exited to make my journey back up to gold rank and beyond yes I miss my overclocks and cosmetics and don’t look forward to collecting them all again but I will still do it with dwarven pride in my heart

Rock and Stone I’m finally home thank you