I don’t like the Freddy rework

As the title says I absolutely hate the rework on Freddy, it completely changed his core gameplay for the worse imo. The snares are now a worse dr shock of clown bottle ranged attack instead of something you can place in a loop and the pallets feel like a worse artist power in that you have to place then manually trigger. Nobody really complained about his actual powers we just wanted pallets and snares together but instead we get this bastardized version of that which changes every good part of his power to something shitty. The rework to teleportation is great, being able to go to completed gens and healing survs is a game changer in end game and is appreciated but doesn’t make up for how badly they butchered snares and pallets imo. Now I know I’m gonna get hate because people think he’s op now but my personal opinion as someone who actually enjoyed Freddy before I just don’t like it like it truly feels like he went from a killer I could chill with and get a 3-4k to a killer I have to sweat to even get one. My first round I tried last night for example 4 man out, no hooks on a map i actually know very well and enjoy.