Both sides of the game are miserable lately

I majority play killer but I've been playing more survivor lately as after reaching iri rank my killer matches are all miserable troll-fests. Both sides of this game are an exercise is frustration.

When I play killer I get matched against GOATed squads every match who know every loop inside out and even when you do outplay them they've always got a friend hiding somewhere to flash you or whatever else. My average match after reaching iri has had at least 2-3 people running the default "mess with the killer experience" perks. I know they can be fun but having an entire build dedicated to messing up a guy's day just seems like overkill.

Then when I switch over to survivor I seem to be enemy #1 regardless of wherever I am or who/whatever I do. I'm just a Mikaela/Aestri/Leon trying to play my lute here, you don't gotta act like killing someone who's just trying to vibe is an achievement. There's 3 other people. Regardless of whoever else seems to be near me or whatever I do in the match it appears like I got a bright "kill me" sign above my head.

I dunno if it's just me but having experienced both sides of the coin, everyone is at fault. This game's playerbase is in a cycle of toxicity where one side acts scummy, causing the other side to react in a similar way. Then the first set blames the other for being toxic to justify themselves no matter who or what happens.

Survivors whose whole existence is to mess with the killer, you're ruining the game. Killers who use the cheapest tactics possible to secure their 4Ks, you're ruining the game. Everyone needs to chill out, step back and realize that you aren't going to actually get sacrificed to the Entity if the match doesn't go your way. I know me saying that might be ironic since this whole post is a massive rant about things that annoy me in the game but some people really need to hear that it isn't that serious.

Play to have fun. If your version of fun is pissing in everyone else's soup, you're why this game has such a toxic reputation.