Why is 50% of the playerbase in squire lobbies? Because the game is balanced around low gear
Recently i took a break from the game, but came back to play not for loot, but simply for fun and revisiting normals has been a blast again. Throwing in a disclaimer, I have over 1700 hours and been playing all gear brackets for quite some time. The normal lobbies just feel way better and follow the game philosophy and design and classes follow their intended role better. I rarely encountered all the pains that the hr lobbies are plagued with:
- Less rat rogues, and even the ones that are there need like 2-3 more hits to kill you on average, so you dont melt in 1.5 seconds and have a chance to dogde a hit and land an additional attack
- Rangers don't 1 shot squishy classes across the map
- Wizards and sorcs dont delete people in melee with mm/meteors
- The kiting meta isn't as strong so 330 ms locks and barbarians arent so discouraging
- No armour cap fighters that walk over you if you are a bad matchup unfortunately
- Even druids don't seem that bad, animals seem to have moderately balanced damage, but its still bad with mobility xd
This post is not to whine, just wanted to point out aspects of this game that feel bad and why many people just quit over time, because its tiring and there is just always some bullshit happening xD
I think the Solo self found is the real answer to all of this, because all of the problems appear when you are able to focus in one specific direction, wether its movement speed, true damage, or tankyness. The other option would probably be taking a look at true damage, but that would have to go together with changes to armour and magic resistances,