PvE should be focused more
The main reason ppl flocked to this game at the start was that it was a new flavor not tried for extraction games. While it doesn’t last for ever not focusing on PvE more is what will bring this game down.
The reason players go back to tarkov is not just PvP is a combination of PvEvP along with satisfying quests and loot.
The current state of the game goes too much in line for an arena shooter and not the original dungeon experience.
Why? There’s not much to do. - Not enough categories to loot from: alchemy, tailoring, enchanting etc. - Not enough weapons. - Maps are too small leading to PvP rush. - Not having hot spots and chill spots to facilitate different play styles. - The overall combat ranged and melee is just very poorly designed leading to just who pokes the most or runs the fastest. - Meaningless quests: players flock each wipe to do the same damn quests in tarkov, why? Cause is damn satisfying to get that m80 unlock or that nice barter armor.
Expand the stuff players can do. For example. Add disenchanting to the witch. You get gems based on the rolls and materials.
Make gems be more like attachments. So you could add any gem up to the same category of rarity. This way ppl can mod a legendary with an epic gem. (Why, not)
Players will never go HR. Instead of trying to force them ask why. Here is a big difference from tarkov to dad In tarkov in 2 runs you can get enough money to have the best of the best kit top to bottom. (Granted if those are available on flea market oorr you completed the quests) In dad it takes either giga luck or an exorbitant amount of runs.
The game went too much on the arena shooter pvp bhop focuse. It looks like a clown fiesta on each stream i check.
Go back to the team based dungeon experience. And no. Not every damn class should be able to do everything. Go deeper in the class itself.
Why does fighter use anything but fighter intended gear? Fighter should be focused on having access to any physical weapon by design. Banning daggers, bows, magic, windlass.
Also true dmg will always be op since it scales too well with fast attack weapons. Remove true dmg.
Remove +all from the game entirely. Players should choose stats not the thing that gives everything.