SSF-only new Map
Perhaps I have been watching a certain spud playing Day Z, and perhaps I have been day dreaming on the potential of a Day Z / Dark and Darker mashup game. Perhaps it won't work.
But imagine this: An SSF only new map. I don't imagine this being implemented any time soon. A seed for the potential future.
This map is large. Like BIIIG. No timer, full dungeon exploration.
You can only join this map with "Supplied" gear. You cannot even buy potions and bring them in. There is only one que, which you can join as solo, duo, or trio. Map starts when its filled with players (long que wait time).
Players start on the edges of the map, and you slowly move towards the center. The deeper you go, the better the loot. The deeper you go, the more players you start to see. The deeper you go, the more dangerous mobs become.
Getting access to extracts require completing tasks, like opening levers, killing bosses, etc.
There are one-time use postmasters across the map that you can send off gear with and continue delving. If one person uses it. The postmaster leaves. Takes while to "open" their inventory. This will create hot spots for conflict.
Backpack needs to be implemented with the map. Gotta find it in the map. Maybe you can only find them in this map, very rare.
Other ideas?