Replacement OST name for Junkil's "[[Big Shot]]", "The World Rewinding"?
Ok I love the name "Battle Against the World" and how it's clever and what not but I thought of "The World Rewinding" and I thought it just fit better for various reasons:
- I get that "Battle Against the World" was based off the name "Battle Against a True Hero" but is it neccasary considering the fact that Spamton NEO was based off of Mettaton NEO but "[[Big Shot]]" has nothing to do with "Power of NEO"
- It would still have to do with Undyne the Undyning since it's like it's rewinding after death? Like they died and it's rewinding to before they died.
- Junkil's whole spheel as far as I'm consirned, but correct me if I'm wrong, is that he was a star and wants to go back to being a star, so it's like he wants the world to "Rewind" back to when he was a star, to go back in time.
- He was a tv star, rewinding is like a tv thing, duh.
- What could make it even better would be if during the fight the little carousel thingies the party ride on were going backward, like Junkil is chasing them and that their ride is rewinding?
- Rewinding is somewhat similar to revolving? Like how [[Big Bang]] is similar to [[Big Shot]]
- Even if "I Can You Can" Is supposed to corralate with "Battle Against The World" like how "Now's Your Chance To Be A" corralates with "[[Big Shot]]" (Which "I Can You Can" doesn't really work perfectly with) The song OST could still perfectly be stand alone and not corralate with the main final battle theme, perhaps leave the whole "corralating OST names" jizz to Scampton? Like his "Circus" theme corralates with "[[Big Bang]]"