Bath install doesn’t seem right, am I being stupid here?

Hello :) Please forgive my naivety, this is my first house, and I’ve never had work done before, so I’m very new to it. I’ve hired a contractor to redo my bathroom and install an actual bath, as I’ve always dreamed of having a freestanding rolltop bath. He ‘finished’ on Friday. But looking at it, I felt like the feet are way too high off the ground. I explained this to him, and he said it was ‘fine’, and it had to be like this, because the pipes he bought did not fit. I don’t feel like that’s acceptable? He was very annoyed about the bath not coming with pipes, even though it was a more expensive one (£350) so had to go and buy some separately. Anyway, is there any way to bring this down so the little feet are actually on the ground, and how can I ask him to do it, what do I need to direct him towards? Really appreciate any advice given. Many thanks!