Misrepresentation in media is cruelty

There is nothing more cruel than the misrepresentation of DID in media, and it makes me more and more upset the more I truly think about it.

We are all victims in some way, and a lot of us are victims of CSA or kidnapping and torture. To portray us as the type of people we were abused by as children, to portray us as people who’d kill other people or abuse children, is fucking evil in the purest form of it.

Forgetting the affect it has on us when it comes to people in the real world thinking we’re dangerous, just to portray us as our abusers is fucking sick.

I know that people with DID are capable of being abusers, an alter in our system was abused by his ex with DID, but the majority of us are innocent people who were tortured as children. We are not a group of people where the majority of us commit crimes and harm others.

This is in no way to diminish those whose DID formed from trauma other than CSA or kidnapping, but for those of us whose DID did form because of something related to those, it’s all the more fucking cruel to use our disorder and to show us as the people who abused us. To show us doing to others what was done to us as fucking children. Our most innocent stage of life where we were supposed to be treated with care and kindness, and we were abused, just to be turned into a commodity. To have the traits of our disorder like openly switching and communicating out loud with alters, though these may not apply to all systems, used as something meant to be scary or weird.

I’m not open about my DID, but I want to be. I want to contribute to changing how we’re seen. To making it unacceptable to portray us in this manner. We don’t deserve to be used in this way. For our disorder to be used to further a plot or to be used as a cheap way to be scary. It isn’t the 70s anymore. Our switches should not be seen as scary. They should not be seen as weird. Our disorder should not be treated like it’s something that doesn’t exist, and if it does, it’s “extremely rare”.

Misrepresentation is pure evil, and it is cruelty towards all the children who suffered, and not only suffered, but survived that torture.