Genuinely think I'm a "newer" host alter who started at around 13 y/o - host

So I literally JUST realized this. My earliest memory as "me" was traveling back to my home country, and I was confused for the entire trip because my entire family was talking about how excited they were to meet my cousin again. They were making those rainbow loom bands and making bracelets for her out of them but here's the thing - it's not that I forgot who she was, I legitimately did not know who she was.

She was not familiar at all, I didn't know who this stranger was standing at my old parents home, but everyone knew her, she even knew me, no hesitation, no guessing, just immediately went for a warm welcome. The worst part is apparently we met a year ago. Just one goddamn year ago.

And now I feel like I'm losing my mind because I have no memory of one year ago (so 2014 ish??) it's not like traumatic memories, it's more like I'm trying to remember something that doesn't even exist.

So there's that. And. I have no goddamn idea what to do with this. I do not believe I existed as "me" before that point.

Edit because this is heavy: My start to life was making rainbow loom bracelets on a plane while talking to my siblings about someone who I've technically never met before. That's sick and horrifying and ridiculous and I wish I never found this out.