Strike Options Fake
I constantly come here to keep people aware how Crypto Strike Options is fake because they are quoting you prices while ALREADY knowing furure price movements.
They have a market makers program all this should be illegal but of course they have not been caught yet.
Like regular day trading ANYTIME your trade is in the correct direction YOU SHOULD BE COMPENSATED. UNFORTUNATELY not with Strike Options as they know the future price movements which should be illegal.
This is for educational purpose only to make others aware of the UNFAIR advantages in their options trading.
I constantly come here to keep people aware how Crypto Strike Options is fake because they are quoting you prices while ALREADY knowing furure price movements.
They have a market makers program all this should be illegal but of course they have not been caught yet.
Like regular day trading ANYTIME your trade is in the correct direction YOU SHOULD BE COMPENSATED. UNFORTUNATELY not with Strike Options as they know the future price movements which should be illegal.
This is for educational purpose only to make others aware of the UNFAIR advantages in their options trading.