Does he like me? What do I do?

English is not my first language so please bear with me. (warning, long rant ahead) Ok so I genuinely have no idea how to feel right now. My friends and classmates had been teasing us relentlessly saying that we look good together. We obviously deny any rumours that came up but his friends keeps telling me that he once said that he likes me (for context, we rarely talk to each other at school to avoid rumours). The thing is, there is a lot of things that he said/did that makes me believe that he likes me but maybe he's just being nice and I am overthinking this.

  • One, he has a nickname for me. I think the nickname is very cute and he is the only one that calls me that. Not even my closest friends calls me that.
  • Two, we text a lot. Like a lot a lot. Five-to-six-times-a-day-everyday a lot. Usually he initiates the conversation but I did too sometimes. I genuinely enjoys talking to him so I wasn't annoyed or anything.Three, he likes to say things that gives me the feels.
  • This one time we were texting and he suddenly asked me whether I have a crush on anyone. I told him I don't have any currently and we proceed to talk about crushes and stuff like that. He then tells that he too did not have a crush on anyone so maybe he should just like me. I mean– kindly, please don't make jokes like that but I still do feel something in my stomach nonetheless. Another time we were texting and I said for 2023 I wanna change my personality and not laugh as much and he replied with "Why? It's cute when you laugh a lot," And this another time when we were yet again texting, we were talking about our heights and stuff and I mention how short I felt after knowing his height. He then responds with "That's fine, I like short girls. I think they're cute,".

There's other instances but the post is getting way too long. Am I overthinking? Is he just being nice? Does he like me? What do I do?