Creating a new Christian Faith in the 1300s and after mending the schism?
So been having a ton of fun figuring out the mechanics of CK3, this game can go so many different directions. I'm now in the early 1300s, started as Count Hermenexildo Gutierrez in 867, founded Portugal, united Iberia, founded the empire of Hispania, founded the HRE, refounded the Roman Empire, and now have rule over roughly 2/3s of the known world. I'm currently running with my first female PC, she's a beast! Seeing as I've played as Catholic the entire time up till now, I've mended the schism, I've got the Pope as my Vassal, etc. I was curious what would happen if I reformed my own Christian faith with Equality and my Ruler being the HoF this late in the game. For context, here's the world as we know it:
So I gave it a try, I started a new faith, then revoked all the Pope's titles and dismantled the Papacy. Because my character is ridiculously smart and my hundreds of years of Eugenics has been very successful all of my direct Vassals converted to the new religion as well:
...but the Religion map looks super weird and messy now.
And the old way...
Catholicism is so yesterday...
Would this ever clean up, it's only been about a year since I founded the new religion here, notifications have started popping up that folks are "converting", but because I mended the schism as a Catholic is fervor going to be forever screwy? Is this a, probably try doing a custom religion in a different playthrough thing? I tried converting a few counties and it seemed to just take "endless" time. I can go through "sub-vassals" one by one and get them to convert, and some (the green ones in the photo above) counties converted when I created the faith.
Aside from painting the rest of the map my Dynasty and characters are so ridiculously OP at this point. :D (Her father lived to 101), and I'm still having fun in general figuring out different mechanics, but just curious if this is just too late in the game to have making a new religion "work" I recognize I can just RP it and have fun, but would things ever catch up or is the Catholic church now always and forever the one true faith, lol, even if I've deposed the Pope and destroyed the Papacy and have the world as my oyster?