Well, back on the sober train
Y'all don't know me but I've been lurking for years.
My pancreatitis was flaring up bad and it was impossible to keep the withdrawals at bay while dealing with pancreatitis pain at the same time.
Came clean to my wife, we went to the ER for a four day medical detox (benzos, painkillers, shit ton of iv bags to get my levels right, you know the drill)
Dealing with the insufferable insomnia now, but hey, I "cheated" my way to being clean and I'm not mad about it. I think I'm gonna try to my damnest to stay clean this time. Go to therapy, try to get my ADHD under control, switch to a less stressful job environment.
Wish me luck, chairs to all, hope I won't have to come back here one day. It was fun while it lasted