AB De Villiers spills the truth behind his "Watch the ball" advise to Virat

(Excerpt from an exclusive interview with one of cricket's greatest superstars and a close friend of the former Indian captain, AB De Villiers)

Interviewer: So you spoke over the phone that there is actually another story behind your advice to Kohli. Can you shed some light on it?

AB: Yeah, of course. So, as you know, around last year, Virat wasn't in the best of forms and one night as I was laying in bed, having some thoughts about the South African Cricket Board which I am not at liberty to discuss, I got a video call from him.

Interviewer: And this was during...?

AB: I think just before the Ind-Eng series or there abouts, I don't remember... I don't follow cricket. I have gold medals in swimming and none in cricket, at least that's what they say...

Interviewer: Oh-kayy... So you were saying?

AB: Yeah, so anyway when I got his video call, it was close to midnight here and so I freaked out. I immediately hopped on the call and found him slouched on the floor, half naked... from below... It was dark, thankfully, but I am afraid I saw what I needed to see and read the situation instantly. But before I could say anything, he interrupted me and said "Hey AB, I am sorry, I didn't know who else to call" and I said it was okay and told him that it happens to the best of us.

Interviewer: Wait, what did you read the situation to be?

AB: Let me finish. He didn't seem to listen and said "Anu man, she... I think... she's leaving me. She thinks I don't have it in me anymore, that it's all dried up and she suspected this ever since we had our child..." I nodded and reassured him, that I had the same fears as his before and after marriage only to find out it was nothing in the end. He kept shaking his head and said "But AB, you don't understand... I think she's right. I don't think I have it in me anymore." So, I say, "Mate, you are one in a billion. Do you think you're too special for this shit to NOT happen?" Sorry for the language.

Interviewer: It's okay. Continue...

AB: And he finally looks at me and nods. And says "You're right, I am not special. I am not special. I am like everyone else. I am not special." And I give him a reassuring thumb's up and just before he cuts the call, I remind him to go watch the balls in front of the mirror because you know all the symptoms he was talking about were showing signs of-

Interviewer: Stage four prostate cancer. Of course. It was right in front of him.

AB: Right? But I think he cut the call mid-sentence or maybe the Zoom call connection wasn't great, but he only heard the first part of the sentence which was -

Interviewer: "Watch the ball"

AB: Exactly. I guess he missed the 's'. And I didn't hear from him till the day I heard about this on TV.

Interviewer: So, why are you bringing this out now? Surely it worked for him for a while didn't it, placebo or not?

AB: Yeah, I guess... But he doesn't look all that great now, does he? And since he isn't picking my calls anymore, I just had to say this on national TV - Virat, have your balls checked man. And maybe your bad form in international cricket might not be your worst nightmare.

Interviewer: Well, I guess, this is not what the Doctor ordered. Sorry, bad pun. Anyway, thank you for your time AB, it was pleasure talking with you.

AB: Pleasure's all mine. And while I have you here, fuck you South Africa Cricket Board.

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