anyone else have personal rules for kosing?

i VERY RARELY KOS, and the few times i do i always have these rules set for myself xd

  1. i never kill a healer unless they attack me
  2. wont kill people nesting
  3. avoiding killing babies
  4. not killing anyone in forgotten shores (its kinda made to be a chill place so i prefer leaving it alone ^^⁾
  5. NEVER kill anyone twice, i always check the skull and then what the player respawned as to ensure i dont attack them again !
  6. avoiding cheap kills (like a behemoth spawning to heal, anyone already on low health etc)
  7. i wont kill an obviously new player, if anything ill help them xd
  8. if i notice a creature is venerated via the map i avoid killing them

i prefer giving myself a challenge if i decide to kos, which is why i have these ^^ anyone else playing like this or are yall killing anything that moves?

((all these morals are thrown out the window if they attack first btw xd))