I took the long path to getting Gali

I think I prefered just getting log in points rather than paying 10k + (or however much they are) . I’ve never had more than 8k mush at once bcuz the main way I get mush is when I afk tryna get traits and mutations on my main. I rarely sell slots. I’ve only sold like 3-4 in my entire year playing this game. I don’t trade species or anothing like that either as of rn . Cuz I don’t have a lot of doubles for anything good. I have a few oxys tho ! Once valentine event is over for a few months I bet their price will go up ?

Anyways I prefered just logging in daily to get Gali cuz I try to log in everyday and play anyways so it was easy for me lol

And there’s the skin I made for it!