I’m addicted
As someone who’s played a ton of mmos and ARPGs and spent A LOT of time in Albion, this is like the perfect mix of all that. I do however understand people who get lost on what to do because they’re probably used to games where quests have big yellow exclamation points and stuff so if that’s you here’s some advice: Talk to every NPC, when you’re running around don’t even focus on the quest goal because they’re almost never going to be close to the quest giver, just explore and loot/harvest everything you see and you’ll get everything you need naturally in no time. The game is 100% based off exploring the world so just do that and you’ll progress extremely fast. Keep food cause it heals you and drop campfires between every sketchy fight you have, if you die in green/orange zones it’s pretty much no big deal at all and even in red zones (unless you’re a criminal) you drop a few random items from your inventory and that’s it. Don’t try to push as fast as you can like in WoW or something cause it won’t work. Just cruise and do the thing. Anyway, I hope that maybe helps someone thinking about trying it, it’s really fun and it’s cheap so even if you only play for a while imo you’ll get your money’s worth :).