Scav traitors wall of shame

Hillbilly.elite just followed me down dam, he aimed his gun, I waved and he waved me out. I'd just picked up a gold cup in crashed truck, and a contractors game in the airduct at military camp. It's not fair game to wave to some one, out ypur arms up and then shoot them in the back when people are kind enough to trust you, I could have took him out at any point when he was sliding down dam, but I don't do that, so sick of scavs cheating, until they sort this next wipe its not worth playing as at the weekend the kids come in and think it's clever to do this,

Starting a wall of shame and reporting player scavs who do this. It's cheating, and pointless, as he then had the whole of the AI in the dam turn on him and kill him, but this is not enough, they need to be fined, or the cool down for scav runs suspended every time they do this more than once by accident, there was no accident about that. If others who ate fed up of cheating scavs doing this we need to stand together and name and shame and report them for cheating, it's ruining the game. I don't want to have to start shooting everyone on sight because of selfish ass holes like hillbilly.elite. if they are named and reported these people might get the message and go back to Tabor where they cam legit shoot everything and anything and stop ruining the game for others.

Please feel free to name and shame anyone who shoots you as a fellow traitor scav below

HILLBILLY.ELITE Dam area EU server 03:30 GMT