the poor twins can never have anyone’s attention

in todays vlog she shows her, erik, and F at the beach without the twins (of course). and then says something about how M and W went to the zoo with their nanny????

1 i love that the kids have a nanny that would take them there and make sure they get to have fun and actually leave the house. 2 im glad F gets to have parents and people who treat him well and help him explore his interests


i feel so, so awful that M and W are CONSTANTLY left out of everything. they haven’t gone on a trip with the family, they rarely go to the beach, they don’t really go out to stores or restaurants bc their mother is a bad person who should not show her face in public. they got the short end of the stick through nobody’s fault, but colleen. and they genuinely seem like the smartest, sweetest kids ever. why would she not want to take them to the zoo herself? she’s take. F to how many aquariums? she has boiled their personalities down to “princesses” and “monster trucks” but they’re much more complex than that. W was doing those little stand up/magic shows that were ADORABLE, why didn’t she make him a little mic stand or fake stage? M seems to be very interested in taking care of others and she used to play with colleen’s hair a lot. why not get her a little doctor set or hair styling set?

i wish they were more seen and appreciated by their parents. i know what it’s like to be the kid that only gets one type of present for their entire life bc nobody bothered to ask about my other interests. i feel so bad for them.