Advice on recent breakup from codependent relationship
Hi, so earlier this week me (M25) and my gf (F23) broke up. We were together for 6 years, and around June she had realized that she was codependent. It took me a little longer after her in therapy to realize that I was also codependent. I have an anxious attachment and she has a disorganized attachment style. For quite a while our needs were not being met, and we kept on trying to work things out. On Monday, she said that she couldn’t do it anymore, that she felt like she was drowning since she didn’t know who she was anymore. I have also lost my sense of self, I stopped certain hobbies, and became enmeshed in each others lives. It was an amicable break up where we both realized that we needed to do a lot of self work, as these patterns will continue if it’s not addressed. Our relationship foundation was based in her codependent patterns, as she saw me as someone to “fix”, and me with looking for someone to save/fix me. We still love each other and we care for each other deeply. We are both in therapy, and will be concentrating on our own self development, and healing our inner child. We have opened the possibility of talking about things in January. We decided to go no contact until then. We have also stated that we are being alone during this time, both of us do not want to rebound into another relationship, as that won’t allow us to deal with the core issue of codependency. I know that there are a lot of unknown factors of how we will feel in January, but is it something that could be brought back in slowly. Have a talk about needs, wants, and boundaries, and start things off by going slow by building the relationship foundation on friendship and not codependent behaviours. Any advice or thoughts are appreciated.
Thank you for your time reading this post.