Roommate being a b*tch
I honestly am so frustrated and on the verge of tears. My roommate is a b*tch.
She has 0 % vrithi. She has been using the same bedsheet for the past 5 months. She takes a bath like once a week (I assume since I go home every weekend). She goes to sleep in the same clothes she goes to college in. (Not that I care about any if this)
She also has her clothes, books and other stuff scattered around the room. She has been keeping rotten fruits in the room for the past 3 weeks (it's still here). And since the past 2 weeks, I've been asking her to clean the floor which is stained with her boost or bournvita or some shit (on my side of the room). She has this padipi tag and doesn't sleep continously for hours. I have to go to sleep at 12 in the night with lights on and most days when I wake up in the middle of the night, she has fallen asleep on top of her books with lights on. The only thing keeping me sane is my sleep and now it's messed up too. I have asked her repeatedly to switch off the lights when she goes to sleep but she just keeps smiling at everything. Now i have to clean up the floor also. She also keeps the windows open for long hours. And there are a lot of mosquitoes and last week an acid fly stung me and I'm honestly on the verge of breaking down because of her. What should I do? Please help me. I need my sleep back.