Why is the builders base to horrible

Like the title says WHYYYY is the builders base so terrible to attack...

I'm not rushed and for context I'm only at a level 5 builder hall, I pretty much ALWAYS get put against 6 or 7s. My battlemachine gets wiped out before I can even use the power twice including me using it it heal the first time around and it gets taken out. Giants somehow ALWAYS walk past other defenses and go straight for crushers, barbarians always seem to walk into bombs and get annihilated before there rush is over, archers can't do enough damage before there invs runs out and if a morter locks on to them? Yea your done for. The ONLY troop that seems to do it's job is the bomber and yet it still doesn't go for a defense inches in front of him, but rather the lone stone wall 20 feet away.

Not to mention the ridiculous defense upgrade times and the upheaving cost of a single upgrade and not being able to get a second builder untill builder hall 8

All my troops are max level for builder hall 5 by the way... it just feels like the only way I can win is if I encounter a builder hall lower than me (bassically unheard of) or if there super rushed which seems to be the most common thing.