8 months Diagnosed & Sober from Alcohol

Heyyyy to anyone struggling w alcohol addiction, Cirrhosis, etc. You can quit, You can do it. I drank everyday/night from 21 to 41 & im 8mos sober today. 8mos diagnosed w Cirrhosis. I started drinking around 16 tho and first sip at 12. So im here to tell u we do recover :)) I may not beable to cure my Cirrhosis but i am in control of not making it worse and in control if i drink or not! No more booze for me. It took me landing in the ER almost dead to finally quit.. idk what clicked this time as it wasn’t my first ER visit/stay due to alcohol. Anyways dont let it take u almost dying to quit .. hop on board now :) or if u have had near death experience quit its the only way to somewhat heal your self and live longer. I pray for everyone & the strength they need to do it. Im not the best w words but this 2nd,3rd..4th..5th..6th .. 100th+ chance ive been given will not go to waste i ask God for forgiveness everyday/night for the stupid mistakes i have made. God Bless everyone have a beautiful evening!