Aside from all the recent hate, the teen protagonists deserves their return in a new film or if the show gets moved to another streaming service and here’s why:
There has been a lot of popular horror franchises out there introducing new main characters in new installments (mostly Saw & Scream 6 & 7 for example), so whether the legacy characters were or weren't going to return but they did, someone has to give Chucky the permanent send-off in order to put a close to all of Child's Play. Neither a show or film would've mattered as long as it got caught up on the events after Cult Of Chucky, and it wouldn't have mattered if some older generation fans chose not to watch the show because they're too focused on playing homophobic blame games or Chucky roasting people, when he already had a satire side from the beginning and the LGBT themes first started in Seed Of Chucky which him and Tiffany's gender-neutral child Glen/Glenda makes an example.
How can you expect people to forget that what was preciously left of Lexy's family just take off with Chucky and Tiffany in new dolls, and later on Nica gets held gunpoint while was close to saving Jake, Devon, and Lexy (now got turned into puppets)? The trio kept losing their loved ones and their justice kept getting backfired thanks to Chucky who always setup his backup plans without them knowing, so leaving behind all the trauma they endured as an excuse for wanting the doll to be more horrifying again would just be straight up disrespectful and ignorant.
To conclude this, I don't have a problem with Andy, Kyle, or other legacy appearances showing up in a new CP project, but there still has to be someway for the teens to get their normal bodies back, make a better plan to prove that human Chucky and Tiffany has been alive for decades using new bodies and are the ones behind all several crimes, and maybe reunite with Grant to ask to help.
Overall, I hope my perspective is understandable and whatever your thoughts are is optional.