Didn't realise I was abusing Zopiclone
I take quite a bit of medications (that I am prescribed) for a back condition that gives me chronic pain daily. Zopiclone (sleeping pill) is sold at pharmacies where I live with no prescription needed. I genuinely thought I was just throwing another pill into the mix I already take.
Then over 10 days recently I realised I'd gone through 2 strips of 10 Zopiclones. I told a friend and she started going OFF. That's when I realised shit, this is not okay. Clearly I've been taking too much.
I don't know anyone who really gets my chronic pain and if I tell those close to me about this complete fuck up of mine, I'm likely going to be judged or told off. I really hated that initial reaction from her, it made me feel like a junkie? When I am just desperate for any form of relief so I can sleep and get on with my life where I have significant responsibilities.
I'm aware it's a slippery slope. That's how people get hooked on prescription pills. I have no more and don't plan on purchasing them anymore. But fuck me. A lot of people with no chronic pain, genuinely think some of us are just popping pills for fun. What an invisible disability this is.