Has anyone used concierge/on call rheumatology, like Dr. Diana Girnita or Dr. Kara Wada? Running out of options.
I had my first flare of probably something autoimmune from January to February, and I'm just now coming out of that (thank goodness). I've experienced some nasty doctors, and I feel like I've been blacklisted locally (what I mean is an MD wrote in my chart that my symptoms are psychosomatic, so now no one is taking me seriously, and everyone is suggesting depression/anxiety medications 🙄).
So I've just been looking for answers on the web. I spend a lot of time on YouTube, and that's where I found out about Dr. Diana Girnita and Dr. Kara Wada. I'm curious about their services. Looks like they both have an initial consultation (which is $697 for Dr. Girnita and $250-700 for Dr. Wada), and then a monthly membership fee (which is $345 for Dr. Girnita and up to $500 for Dr. Wada).
These fees are steep, but I'm pretty desperate. I don't want to Traumatized myself further by cycling through non-informed MDs for 6 years (the average time that it takes for an autoimmune illness to be diagnosed) while whatever I have progresses. My only other option is functional medicine, which my step mom has had wonderful luck with, but I'm a bit leery of. I have a tentative 60 minute appointment with one at the end of April for $250.
Has anyone seen either of these practitioners? Or have you seen a functional MD?
Thanks in advance!