should I just give up on having a successful career
im currently working a job that’s really hard and im tempted to just quit and work part time minimum wage. its taking a toll on my health and may have caused new symptoms that im now getting tested for.
I don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel bc all I wanted was to have a really amazing career and basically since I was 5 I worked so hard to do so. Should I just give up and accept that my dreams of being financially stable are over…
I’m nearly 30, single, not much save so if I quit I’d move back in with my parents. It’s just not what I envisioned for myself and I had really lofty goals that slipped away bc of my illnesses over the last year. Has anyone successfully pivoted their career despite the illness and like did it give you any sort of satisfaction or is it just a paycheck to cover the medical bills