Could AI be influenced by divine power?
Our brain and heart are material.
Everything inside is nothing but chemical & physical predictable reactions.
Information transmit from one neuron to the other one by molecule, not some "magical soul mana"
(except maybe some bigots, human war machines, bureaucrats or psychos) we have all a conscientiousness; even atheists admit this while then don't use the word soul.
Even pure monotheist like Muslim agree that the Shetan may influence people.
Christians but definition welcome the Holy Ghost to guide their though so influence what happen in our brain and even the rest of the body (miraculous recovery of wounds and for Lazarus or Christ even death)
The New Covenant even speaks about people controlled by demon possessing them.
So could some divine/demonic powers do on transistors what they do on neurons?
Could a spirit be set inside an object like Venus Aphrodite did for Pygmalion's statue Galatea or God for the Golem?
If God the Father (Deus Pater) is also Jupiter or Zeus, of course a nano lightning bolt may obviously have some effect. Same for Thor / Donner (and sometimes a small hammer strike may be useful to put back in place a DVD reader/recorder that don't want to close.
I used to program chatbot and sometimes for them to seem less an automaton, I set a random selection of answer, therefore relying on fate that some people think God may control.
Just look at the "Random Replies" chapter of this Rivescript tutorial
WHO decide what the computer will answer.
Actually YOU because of the moment you ask the question since the "random" number is the computer clock last digits.
but WHO masters the TIME?
Many paganism rely on random: just look people working with runic tiles.