I am Peter Enns—I am a biblical scholar. Some people really like what I say. Some people really hate what I say--and I've lost a couple of jobs because of my views. AMA.
Hi, Reddit! I’m an author and biblical scholar. I teach courses in Old and New Testaments at Eastern University (near Philadelphia). I have an M.Div from Westminster Theological Seminary and a Ph.D in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations from Harvard University. I'm interested in academic topics like Old Testament Theology, Biblical Theology, Wisdom Literature (esp. Ecclesiastes), the NT’s use of the OT, and Second Temple literature. I'm mainly interested, though, in thinking about how the ancient text of the Bible intersects with faith in the modern world. Some people find that dangerous. I think it's exciting.
Shameless Plugs
My latest book The Bible Tells Me So: Why Defending Scripture Has Made Us Unable to Read It is available now. More about the book HERE
I tweet HERE
I blog HERE
I’m looking forward to answering your questions (at 3 PM ET), so please: Ask me anything!
This is Me: http://imgur.com/pTocn4L
OK, campers. It's been an hour. I need to step away for 30 minutes but I'll be back at 4:30 ET for another half hour (and then done). Thanks for your GREAT questions so far!
I'm back. Let's see what we've cooking here. I'll do the best I can in the next 30 minutes!!
Folks, sorry. I need to cut out. I had SO much fun here, and great questions. I'll come back again.