Christianity, the Big Bang, and evolution
Just a short post I wanted to make to see if any others have a similar idea that theories like the Big Bang and evolution are not only non-contradictory to the Bible, but could be directly linked.
Big Bang and formation of Earth and the Solar System | Seven Days of Creation
I've always been taught about both since young, and just believed both of them without considering how they could be linked until recently. My own theory is: since God doesn't exist at our level but is in a higher reality or so, time also flows differently for Him than for us. This is why I've theorized (although without much basis) when God created heaven and Earth in the seven days of Creation, it was seven days for him, but much longer for on Earth. I also believe that the Big Bang could potentially coincide with God's creation of light - the Big Bang was a sudden, massive expansion from a point of a superheated singularity, creating the countless stars that emit light from nothing; God said let there be light, and from nothing there was light.
Here are my theories of the seven days in order and what they correspond to:
Day 1: Light and darkness = The Big Bang (~13.8 billion years ago)
Day 2: Sky and sea = Formation of the atmosphere and oceans by volcanic eruptions and subsequent cooling (~3.8 billion years ago)
Day 3: Land = Formation of the Earth's crust (~4.6 billion years ago); this one doesn't quite line up to geological history, but I believe it's more the idea that only with the oceans does the crust become "land", a.k.a. the continents.
Day 4: Sun, moon, and stars = Formation of the Moon (~4.5 billion years ago) and Sun (~4.6 billion years ago); again, doesn't quite line up, but it could be the fact that once Earth finished forming, from the perspective of our planet those are now defined the way they are.
Day 5: Birds and fish = Initial lifeforms - see the evolution idea below
Day 6: Animals and humans = Evolution - see the evolution idea below
Day 7: God rests
Evolution | Creation of animals and humans
There's also always the discussion over evolution - hardline Creationists insist that because God made all the animals they can't have evolved, hardline Evolutionists insist there's no way for that many species to exist just like that from the beginning.
I personally believe it's more that God made fish and birds first, then used their image to model new animals after them to His plans, just like how He modeled us in His image. Plus, even in the Bible we do chronologically come after.