Why are so many Christians angry, rude, and unhelpful?

I first saw this sub as a place where people could find answers, receive support and guidance regarding their doubts or misconceptions regarding Christianity.

I make a positive effort to be respectful, and kind to posts and comments. I know that sometimes texts can sometimes come across differently than intended.

But short comments like… “you should study the bible” or calling someone a false teacher or accusing them of blasphemy is far from helpful.

Im not a bible wiz, but my concerns come from studying the bible. Gods love is not always shown in many of the scriptures I read. There are conflicts and different interpretations and I understand that.

Rather than scold someone for there understanding, lets make an extra effort to be genuine, in the name of God. Thanks and please, and bless you shouldn’t be void from our vocabulary.

If you are Christian and want to genuinely help support those that are confused, try offering msgs with substance, messages or support and guidance. Otherwise others may be lost from an opportunity of knowing or reuniting with God in the future.