Why doesn't Jesus ever come to play video games with me?
I know, it's a clickbaity title, but, it's a legit question if you think deeper, right?
God loves the world so much that he sacrifices himself for us. He was nailed on a cross and stuck with a spear, because he loves us so much.
So, if God loves us so much, why doesn't he ever take time out of his eternity to just come and hang out with people when we ask him to? Why can't a child ask God to play catch with them? I'm sure it's a lot more pleasant than being crucified, and he went through that. If I could boot up Street Fighter and play against Jesus after I got home from work every other week, I'd be just as devout a Christian y'all are right now. But how does a relationship with Christ work if it seems completely one sided? When I was about ten years old, I started losing my faith, seeing parallels between various mythologies and Christianity. I cried in bed one night, begging for God to help me restore my faith. But nothing happened. He loves me enough to get himself executed for me, but not enough to comfort me as a crying child losing his way, begging for His help? It makes no sense.
What do you think?