Opinion on a breakup
I 26 F recently broke up with my boyfriend 24 M. It's kind of a little bit complicated. He was extremely kind and considerate. However, there were some things that I felt like he wasn't super honest with me about. When we first started dating he told me that he had quit smoking pot. However, come to find out he smoked other things like he vaped on occasion. He was trying to quit. But he didn't really tell me until about 5 months in that he still vaped sometimes. Also, he at first told me that he had never done anything besides smoking pot. However I came to realize that he had done more than just smoking pot like he experimented with mushrooms etc in the past. He told me this only happened once so he didn't feel like he needed to mention it. I can understand that he may be didn't want to share something difficult from his past. But I think it would have been better just to be very honest with me. He but also sometimes wear shrooms t-shirt which I thought was kind of strange. Like he thought drug usage was funny almost. However, I never asked him about it or really understood why he would wear it (which I do acknowledge was a fault on my part for not being more straightforward with my questions).
Also, he had told me once that he had a situation in high school school where he was accused of something sexual in nature by a previous girlfriend. He told me that she had made it up and that the police cleared him. However, being as he wasn't super forthright about the drugs and smoking, I was just wondering if I am off track for thinking that there's a chance that he may not be telling the truth about that incident in high school. I have been racking my brain trying to understand if I did the right thing by breaking up with him. I'm just wondering if I was being overly cautious with this. Or too hard on him and breaking up with him about the smoking situation. Or if I did best to steer clear of the situation.
I feel like I'm having trouble being objective because I am going through heartbreak with missing him right now. It's hard because I didn't see any signs as far as how he was treating me that he was a bad guy.
Do you think that I was being too cautious with this decision or was it understandable given the circumstances?