is it ok to use chatgpt for guidance

For context, im an 18 yo girl, I’m very new to my faith. I grew up in the church but it was very forced on me, which caused me to resent God and religion. These past two years I’ve been on and off seeking a relationship with God. It always started strong but quickly I just stopped caring and falling back into sin. But the past few months i started going to a Bible study and church. This past month is the strongest my faith has been. I actually look forward to it, and i make time for god throughout my day.

i started I’ve been reading my Bible doing these devotionals but it was a ten day plan and I just finished it. I’m struggling to find a free plan. So i asked chat gpt to create one for me focusing on strengthening my faith and belief. I’m just not sure if it’s ok to trust it as a source of guidance? It just feels a little icky?