Chris Chan & Tails

this is somewhat of a specific and Random thing I have noticed, but it has always stood out as extremely weird to me. Despite the Sonic franchise seemingly being at least 60% of the reason of Chris’s existence, I have not heard him once mention Tails even in passing when talking about Sonic. He talks about Amy all the time, he’s brought up knuckles and shadow, but I don’t think I’ve ever even once heard him mention Tails the Fox.

This is especially interesting and confusing to me because of the Era of Sonic he grew up on, due to the sega sweepstakes he won, we know he watched the adventure’s of Sonic the hedgehog cartoon where tails was a direct main character, and most of the Sonic games that would have been around at the time would have mostly only been Sonic & tails as the main focus. Considering how fanatically obsessed he is with the Sonic franchise, I find it very odd that he hasn’t seemed to mention or draw one of the most iconic characters even once. He doesn’t even seem to have a weird CWCville ripoff version of tails which he seems to do with every character or person that remotely catches his attention. Does he just not like tails or something? Or is there a mention of him I’m forgetting?