People are getting lazier
I live in Avadi, near Veltech College. At the bus stop on a daily basis at morning 8-9AM you can see few locals, who are basically carpenters, mestris and kothanars etc. They will be sitting near the bus stop and waiting for someone to call them for work. They ask from anywhere between 900-1200per day. They wait at the bus stop till 10AM and if no one has called them for service, they go back to their homes, laze around, eat and sleep and drink booze and repeat the same the next day.
Yesterday we had some 2hours work at home and my dad went to the bus stop thinking that he can get anyone of those guys for work. Those guys asked for 1000 for the work despite my dad telling them multiple times that its just couple of hours work and doesn't justify giving that much. My dad was willing to give as much as 500 for those 2 hours but still not one of them agreed to come.
They will go to home and sleep and booze around and then complain that they don't have a job but can't come to work for 2 hours for half the salary. I just don't understand. Eventually we had to get help from a guy(North Indian), who was working at a home in the next street. That guys did the work less than 2 hours and then asked that since there is still time if there is any other work that he can do. He did some additional works too. Work was neat and clean, no mess at all and cleaned after his work. Just had a cup of tea and a bottle of water and when my dad gave him 500 he was pretty happy about that too.
Why can't the local people do this? But then complaint that people from North are taking their jobs.
EDIT: Lots of people are assuming that my dad went to them in the morning. I should have added, my dad went to them after 10:30AM. In their field of work like construction and manual labour, work starts by 9:30AM. 10AM is already late and if someone doesn't find a job by that time they will not have a job for the whole day and basically will go home empty handed. My dad went to them after 10:30AM and asked for help for some 2hours of work.
EDIT2: Lots of people are assuming that I tried to exploit the people for their work. Let me assure we did not exploit them at all. Their daily wage is 900-1200 at max. So if they don't work for that day they will not get that 900-1200. My dad asked for the 2 hours job and was willing to pay 500, which is a fair price, basically getting half a days salary for 2 hours work, good deal in fact.
EDIT3: People assuming that I'm just making up about the local workers being lazy is not true. Its a first hand experience and literally experience of everyone who has tried to build a home, tried to get renovations done, tried to get a paint job done. The locals are the most difficult to work with and getting them to complete things on time is next to impossible. Always quote higher price, waste lots of materials, if questioned they threaten to leave, all of these are common and experienced by tons of other people who have ever tried to avail their service. There is a reason that Tiruppur is filled with North Indian labours. Hotels, restaurants, construction sites, security jobs are all filled with migrants. They work hard and don't complain as much as the locals do.
EDIT 4: My only curiosity was after 10:30AM people do not get jobs. Its not like suddenly some where someone requires a carpenter at 12PM. Even if required no one will give full days salary for couple of hours of work, which is my case. Also it's not fair to expect full days salary for 2 hours of work. So those kind of jobs these locals don't take up. They are of the attitude of either all or nothing which is really a bad decision considering the fact that there is tough competition by migrants for the same job. But then again they complain that the migrants are taking up their jobs and making them jobless. Living in poverty and fighting to put food on the table. But shouldn't the one who is fighting to put food on table take any moral means to do that?
EDIT 5: I work in the IT. I do a bit of freelance here and there. I cannot ever ask a client the same payout as that of my daily job. Even if you look at sites like Freelancer and Upwork, there is someone to do a job at 2000, which can never be quoted below 10000. Clients always want to bargain and find the cheapest labor. It's also the main reason that US has outsourced IT to India. Understand the economics and they say wether I tried to exploit people.