Mastering CA Intermediate: Your Free Resource Toolkit for Self-Study Success
CA Inter Success: My Go-To FREE Resources 🚀
As someone who navigated the CA Inter exams, I understand the importance of effective and accessible resources. I've compiled a list of completely FREE materials that significantly contributed to my success. Sharing them in the hope they benefit fellow aspirants
1.Adv accounts- Marathon lectures and Fastrack of NITIN GOEL (if you do this along with all rtp ,mtp ,pyqsand sm questions you are good, I used Ravi Agarwal Free question bank which covered all questions)
Law - A. Siddharth Agarwal Revision videos(These are not regular revision vdos these are filled with concepts and examples, so you will understand even though you have never studied or took classes of law) B. Harsh Gupta sir law marathon (**Get the compact book which sir used in the marathon, trust me it will be game changer in law specially for the last 1.5 days)
Tax - Brindavan Giri Marathon lectures ( You also need to do lots of self practice in this subject from a good updated question bank, nothing good will happen by just seeing concept videos)
Cost- Nitin Guru marathon and individual practice sessions (Do this along with a question bank containing all pyq,rtp,mtp and sm questions...i used Ravi Agarwal question bank
Fm and Sm - SM- Siddharth Agarwal Maha Marathon Fm- Nitin Guru revision /marathon along with practice sessions (Again for fm the trick is to cover all questions of pyq,rtp,mtp, sm....i used Ravi Agarwal Free question bank for the same)
6.Audit - A. Sidhharth Agarwal marathon for building up concept B. Shubham Keswani revision videos for memorizing and mnemonics
I hope this list proves beneficial in your CA Inter journey. Feel free to share and connect in case of any doubt.