Disney’s Power Ranger reboot has the potential to be the best Tokusatsu series in years

In case you haven’t heard, it was just reveled that the showrunners behind, “Percy Jackson and the Olympians”, Jonathan E. Steinberg and Dan Shotz, are developing a new, live action Power Ranger reboot for Disney+, and I know upon hearing that most people are going to be pessimistic, but I actually think this could be the single best thing to happen to the tokusatsu genre in years.

I want to preferences by saying that I am not a huge tokusatsu fan. I watched Power Rangers when I was a kid, and that’s about it. I want to experience more of what the genre has to offer, but I’ve just had a hard time getting into shows like Super Sentai, Karman Rider, and Ultraman. I know a lot of the appeal of the genre is in the cheap costumes, flimsy prop swords, and bad acting, but I just don’t think that’s sustainable for an audience who grew up with Marvel movies, especially for Power Rangers, which is still repurposing Super Sentai footage.

That’s why I think a big budget, live action television series that elevates the source material in new and interesting ways for modern audiences would be amazing, not just for Power Rangers, but the tokusatsu genre as a whole. Again, not a huge Toku fan, so if there are shows like this (American or Japanese) please share them. If there’s not, then this reboot has the potential to be groundbreaking. Will this it be that? Maybe. Maybe not. But it has the potential to, and that’s what I’m talking about right now.